Adding to the list of growing concerns and problems that have manifested themselves with the progress and modernisation of the twenty-first century, digital eye strain is a condition that occurs when eyes are strained due to the continuous use of digital devices. It is the result of a change in working and home environments as people rely more and more on the usage of digital devices to keep up with modern life, which in turn affects eye functions and disrupts their vision.
Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain:
Signs that you are suffering from a digital eye strain usually appear as,
- Eye strain and discomfort
- Blurry vision
- Dry eyes
- Neck Pain
- Shoulder Pain
Causes of Digital Eye Strain:
The causes of digital eye strain are relatively simple and include
- Bad lighting
- Reading texts that are too small
- Glare from the device screen
- Poor posture when you’re using devices
- Not blinking at regular intervals when looking at a device
- Looking at devices from awkward angles
- Poor seating posture
- Uncorrected vision problems
Diagnosing Digital Eye Strain:
At Dayal Eye centre, our ophthalmologist might use the following procedures to diagnose your digital eye strain.
- Assess your medical and family medical history and work environments.
- Visual acuity test to identify your eyes focus, move and work together.
- A refraction test to determine the lens power and refractive errors
Medical Treatments for Digital Eye Strain:
If adjusting your lifestyle and taking certain measures does not help in preventing eye strain, then your doctor might recommend the following methods of treatment,
- Computer Glasses: These will differ from the glasses you use regularly and be customised for digital use. These glasses might contain a combination of glare coating and blue light filters to help fix your eye strain.
- Eyeglasses and Eye Lenses: Special lenses and eyeglasses are prescribed to aid your digital eye strain.
- Eye Drops: Your doctor might recommend eye drops to help your eyes remain clear.
- Vision Therapy: It refers to a coordinated set of visual activities and exercises that will help improve your visual abilities.
Precaution for Digital Eye Strain:
Some preventive measures for digital eye strain include,
- Get regular eye exams to watch out for underlying eye issues
- Taking a break from your digital devices
- Adjust your work and home environment to support your eye health
- Get regular sleep
- Don’t view digital devices in the dark or from weird angles